Category: information


Taking time to save for what’s importantTaking time to save for what’s important

Members Sean and Amy B. are intentionally saving for what’s important in their life. Keeping track of exactly where their money goes is important to the couple’s budgeting success and their ability to save up for their goals.

Sean and Amy first became interested in Canopy after driving by a billboard. They were in the middle of a frustrating experience with their previous financial institution and were intrigued by Canopy’s advertisement for its Kasasa Checking accounts.

With the Canopy branch on Francis Ave. in the vicinity of their northside home, they decided to check it out. Both of them appreciate the welcoming atmosphere at the branch.

“Every time I come in to the branch, I get a warm, friendly feeling. And, it isn’t just the coffee. The atmosphere just feels warm and welcome, ” Sean said.

At the end of their first month being members, Sean and Amy were pleasantly surprised with the dividends they earned and decided to save those extra funds for one of their goals.

Sean and Amy’s savings strategy? “A dime here and a nickel there, ” Amy said.

Using the envelope savings method, Sean and Amy set aside a chunk of change at the beginning of the month for each of their spending categories. If they end up spending less than the allotted amount, they take the extra cash and put it towards remodeling their home.

Five years ago, they found the perfect home in north Spokane in a “neat neighborhood”. They love that their neighbors are from a mix of generations.

“Mostly everybody knows each other, ” Sean said.

Now that they have their home, they are building up their savings for home improvement projects.

“Our home is over a hundred years old with floors and an unfinished attic that need some love. That means we need to take time to save up, ” Amy said.

When the couple isn’t saving up for their next goals, they keep busy with a variety of passions. Both write fiction and are creating stories for a book series and a podcast.

Sean and Amy’s focus on saving and intentional budgeting allows them to enjoy the things that matter to them.

Canopy Credit Union | Importance of Saving

What Medical Conditions Qualify For Social Security Disability?What Medical Conditions Qualify For Social Security Disability?

Being unable to work due to medical conditions can be very stressful, worrying about how to maintain your life and pay the bills, as well as medical costs. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is there to ensure people do need to find themselves in those situations, but what conditions qualify for SSDI benefits? 

While there is no set and firm answers regarding what conditions are covered by social security disability or not, there are guides and a baseline definition that can act as a rule of thumb:

SSDI recognizes an illness or injury that prevents a person from working for at least a year or that will likely cause death. 

Social Security Disability & the Administration Blue Book

As mentioned, there is a guide the Social Security Administration uses and people can look through to know whether they qualify for SSDI benefits: The Social Security Blue Book. Officially known as the Disability Evaluation Under Social Security, it lists the medical impairments the SSA considers severe enough to prevent someone from working and lists the medical criteria for determining if a person can receive disability benefits.

You can find the Social Security Blue Book here:

Disability Evaluation Under Social Security

Medical Conditions that Qualify for Social Security Disability

If a condition is listed in the Blue Book, it automatically meets the definition set by the SSA and qualifies a person for social security disability insurance. Here are some of the impairments and conditions listed that automatically qualify someone:

  1. Musculoskeletal System: Conditions that affect the bones and muscles, such as back injuries and other dysfunctions of the joints and bones.
  2. Special Senses and Speech: Conditions affecting vision, hearing, and speech.
  3. Respiratory Disorders: Such as asthma, chronic pulmonary insufficiency, and cystic fibrosis.
  4. Cardiovascular System: Including chronic heart failure, coronary artery disease, and recurrent arrhythmias.
  5. Digestive System: Conditions like liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and gastrointestinal hemorrhaging.
  6. Genitourinary Disorders: Kidney diseases and other conditions related to the reproductive and urinary systems.
  7. Hematological Disorders: Disorders of the blood, such as anemia, hemophilia, and bone marrow failures.
  8. Skin Disorders: Eczema, burns, and other dermatological conditions.
  9. Endocrine Disorders: Conditions related to hormone-producing glands, such as thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary gland disorders.
  10. Congenital Disorders that Affect Multiple Body Systems: For instance, Down syndrome.
  11. Neurological: Epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and cerebral palsy, among others.
  12. Mental Disorders: Such as schizophrenia, autism, depression, anxiety, and intellectual disorders.
  13. Cancer (Malignant Neoplastic Diseases).
  14. Immune System Disorders: Including lupus, HIV/AIDS, and rheumatoid arthritis.

It’s important to remember that only being diagnosed doesn’t guarantee approval for disability benefits and that the SSA requires specific medical evidence, and documentation before benefits are approved. 

Secure Your Medical Benefits 

The application process for SSDI is complex, and many applications are denied the first time. When that happens, a person can pursue the appeals process, which many find success with, especially if legal representation has been secured.

Here at Marken Law Group, we understand how stressful getting your rightful SSI benefits can be and don’t want to add to your plate during such an uneasy time. We have represented hundreds of claimants in Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and California to obtain what is rightfully theirs. We focus on your individual needs rather than treat all cases as the same, bringing our extensive experience to help guide you through. 

If you want to better ensure you get the SSDI benefits you’re owed, contact us below and work with social security attorneys who know how to navigate the system and fight for you. 

Marken Law

Essential Services and Guides for UK Landlords: Enhancing Property Management EfficiencyEssential Services and Guides for UK Landlords: Enhancing Property Management Efficiency

Being a landlord in the United Kingdom encompasses more than just owning property; it involves strategic management, legal compliance, and continuous learning. For those navigating the complexities of the rental market, understanding the range of

landlord services

available and utilizing comprehensive

landlord guides

can be transformative. These resources equip landlords with the necessary tools to enhance their operations, stay compliant with regulations, and ensure tenant satisfaction.

1. Overview of Landlord Services: Streamlining Management Tasks

Landlord services are designed to alleviate the various administrative and maintenance responsibilities that come with managing rental properties. These services can be broadly categorized into several key areas:

Property Management Firms: These organizations take over the daily responsibilities of property management, from collecting rent and managing tenant inquiries to handling repairs and maintenance issues. For landlords who prefer not to be hands-on or those managing multiple properties, hiring a property management firm can be a worthwhile investment.

Legal and Compliance Assistance: With the constant evolution of housing laws, it is vital for landlords to stay compliant to avoid legal pitfalls. Services that offer legal advice, regular updates on law changes, and assistance with ensuring properties meet all regulatory standards are indispensable.

Tenant Screening Services: Finding reliable tenants is fundamental to successful landlordship. Tenant screening services help verify the background of potential renters, assess their credit history, and check references to ensure they are trustworthy and capable of meeting their rental obligations.

Online Rent Collection: Technology has made rent collection simpler and more efficient. Online services facilitate automatic rent payments, reducing the hassle of manual collection and minimizing the risk of delayed payments.

is a great place to learn about all it takes to be a successful UK landlord.

2. Landlord Guides: A Must-Have Resource

For both novice and experienced landlords, comprehensive guides are essential tools that provide detailed information on managing rental properties effectively. These guides cover a wide range of topics:

Starting Out: Guides for new landlords cover the basics of buying to let, including how to choose the right property, understanding the financial implications, and the basics of drafting tenancy agreements.

Legal Responsibilities: Detailed information on landlord legal obligations, such as safety regulations, tenant rights, and the proper procedures for eviction. Staying informed about these aspects is crucial to manage properties lawfully and ethically.

Financial Management: Insight into managing the financial aspects of property rental, including advice on setting rents, handling taxes, and optimizing property investment returns. These guides often include tips on cost-effective property maintenance and renovations to enhance rental yields.

Tenant Relations: Maintaining good relationships with tenants is key to a smooth-running rental operation. Guides often include tips on communication, handling tenant complaints, and creating a positive landlord-tenant relationship.

3. Utilizing Both Services and Guides for Optimal Management

Combining the use of landlord services with the knowledge gained from comprehensive guides can significantly enhance a landlord’s ability to manage properties efficiently. While services provide practical assistance, guides offer the foundational knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions. This dual approach not only improves operational efficiency but also helps in mitigating risks associated with property management.

Conclusion: The Path to Professional Landlordship

The journey to becoming a successful landlord in the UK involves continuous improvement and adaptation to the changing market and legal landscapes. By leveraging both specialized landlord services and detailed guides, landlords can navigate the complexities of property management more smoothly and effectively. Whether it’s through enhancing day-to-day operational efficiency, ensuring compliance with up-to-date laws, or fostering strong relationships with tenants, the right resources are key to a profitable and sustainable property rental business. Investing in these tools is essential for anyone serious about excelling in the UK’s dynamic rental market.