Day: December 26, 2019

Tips for passengers involved in Ride share accidentsTips for passengers involved in Ride share accidents

Increasingly people are using ride share apps like Uber,Lyft for commuting to their workplace or other places since it cost effective and convenient for them. However,this has also led to an increase in the number of ride share accidents,due to a number of reasons. The injuries which the passenger suffers from because of the accident will vary from minor injuries like scratches to major injuries for which the passenger may be hospitalized. Hence those who are involved in a ride share accident would like to find out what kind of compensation they are eligible for,the procedure for getting the insurance. Consulting with an accident attorney is usually the best way to receive the most compensation.

The rideshare accidents can be broadly classified into accidents in which the rideshare driver was at fault,and accidents in which the rideshare driver was not at fault. Most of the ride share companies have made it compulsory for their drivers to purchase insurance. Additionally the ride share company also offers insurance coverage to the driver and passenger after the passenger has been picked up using the app. So if the rideshare driver is at fault the driver will have to file an insurance claim and the passenger can get some compensation from the rideshare firm also. The rideshare company will usually limit the amount of compensation payable to the passenger.

In some cases,the rideshare driver is not at fault,the accident may be caused due to the carelessness,rash driving of another driver,or a manufacturing defect in the vehicle. In this case,the driver who is at fault or car manufacturer should compensate the passenger for the losses caused by the accident. This is likely to be a tedious process,so it is important for the passenger or his associates to collect evidence to prove that the other driver or vehicle manufacturer was at fault. The rideshare company,may also offer some compensation to the passengers who are injured depending on the terms of the rideshare company.

The losses caused to the passenger due to the accident will depend on how serious the injuries are and also the income of the passenger. It is important for the passenger who is injured to collect all relevant information regarding the accident,like rideshare driver name,vehicle details,when the accident occurred,who was responsible for the accident,so that he can get compensation more easily. In case larger amounts of compensation are due,it may be difficult for the passenger to get the amount,so it may be advisable to contact a experienced and competent personal injury lawyer for help.